Riviera Cellars

A recognized experience in the world of yachting and resorts!

Our expertise, inspired by our passion for wine, invites us to go the extra mile every day to unearth the finest nuggets, find the best vintages and satisfy each and every one of our customers' requests for delivery to your yacht, your mountain chalet or your holiday home.
Whether you tell us your wishes and desires in terms of wine selection, or whether you choose to rely on our expert advice to build a cellar according to your preferences, it is always a high quality service and total discretion that we reserve for our clients. Riviera Cellars' reputation is built on our commitment to excellence in the selection and sourcing of old and rare vintages, as well as in our understanding of the world of luxury wine and spirits.
Red, white or rosé wines, champagnes, alcohols and spirits, in small quantities or for larger volumes, a VIP delivery to refurbish your yacht, fill the cellar of your second home or meet the needs of a stay in your mountain chalet... the family business Riviera Cellars meets each of your needs with responsiveness, professionalism and a deep-seated desire to satisfy you!


Wouldn’t it be great to arrive at your chalet and find your favourite wine and champagne ready and waiting for you? This is eminently possible, thanks to our In-Chalet Wine Delivery Service. Over 30 years in sourcing and supplying fine and rare wines, so just let us know what you need, and we will arrange it for you.


Riviera Cellars offers high quality products and Premium Wine.
Provisioning Service dedicated to villas throughout the French Riviera and the Mediterranean Coast! We strive to have a tailored service and meet your specific requirements.

Riviera Cellars

Supply area

Specialising in the search for old and rare wines, we put all our know-how at the service of our clients to satisfy each and every request. In collaboration with the captain of your boat or the concierge of your chalet, we work to build and deliver the cellar of wines and spirits that you want.

Tax-free deliveries in France


The following conditions must all be met:

  • The vessel is recorded on an official register under an administrative authority
  • The vessel has permanent crew
  • The vessel is affected to a commercial activity
  • The vessel is at least 15m in length
  • Le navire s’engage à sortir des eaux territoriales Françaises pour 70% au moins de ses trajets réalisés au cours de l’année 2024

You will need to provide copies of the following in advance of any delivery:

If the operations take place during the weekend, a supplement of 25% is to be applied to the above scale.
Also add the RTS of 180€ that we pay to customs for their travel expenses during the weekend.
From €1,000 to €10,000 140 €
From €10,000 to €20,000 190 €
From €20,000 to €30,000 220 €
From €30,000 to €40,000  240 €
From €40,000 to €50,000 320 €
More than €320 320 €
TID (Customs Data Processing) 10 €

Please note that due to Customs constraints we need at least 48 hours’ notice to carry out a tax-free delivery.
We will also need to be informed at the time of placing an order whether a tax-free delivery is required.
Tax-free delivery cannot be arranged after the goods have been delivered.
Deliveries can only be made during Customs hours and following receipt of their approval. Due to Customs office hours this means deliveries can only be made 09.00 – 12.00 or 14.00 – 17.00, Monday – Friday.
No return of goods can be accepted once the delivery has cleared Customs.
Goods delivered tax free cannot legally be taken off board without going through an import procedure, involving paying significant customs charges as well as VAT.
Customs reserve the right to board the vessel at the time of delivery and subsequently.
There are potentially serious consequences for false declarations.
Please note that the invoice must be issued in the name of the company as it appears on the certificate of commercial registration.

Riviera Cellars

Share our passion

The love of wine and the desire to share our passion are the driving forces behind our family business Riviera Cellars.

Riviera Cellars

Wine supply

The family business Riviera Cellars responds to each of your needs with responsiveness, professionalism and a strong desire to satisfy you!

Our head office

548 chemin des Colles, 06140 Vence, France
