The 2022 Champagne vintage promises to be exceptional!

A grape without rot or disease, a healthy and good quality grape!

In Champagne, the usual harvest period is from the beginning of September to the beginning of October, but the first blows of the pruning shears were given as early as 18 August 2022 in certain communes of the Aube, such as Montgueux, where the harvest started a fortnight ahead of schedule, making it one of the earliest harvests in the history of Champagne.

So, what could have caused such an early harvest?

Compared to 2021 when the weather conditions were not there, this year with the high temperatures and little rain, the grapes are full of sunshine and are therefore ripe much earlier than expected. And on top of all that, there was no humidity, so no botrytis or disease, and therefore very healthy grapes with a perfect sugar content. As Charlène Lassaigne, champagne producer in Montgueux (Aube) explains, "The grapes are of very good quality, we can see that there is no disease, nor any rot. The grapes are really very healthy. The drought has therefore reinforced their quality and has not had a negative impact on the vines.

It's « un scénario parfait as Arnaud Descotes said, Technical and Environmental Director of the Champagne Committee, « I think that all the conditions are there for us to make a very very good vintage. The potential is magnificent for the moment with very very healthy grapes and a beautiful maturation dynamic. We can go for high degrees and a beautiful aromatic maturity. » he said.  The technicians of the Champagne Committee also revealed a beautiful homogeneity between the regions of the appellation and the grape varieties.

Champagne will be one of the few appellations where the yields will be good. Eric Therrey, for his part, started on August 19th, and knows that the vintage will be much better than last year, "I think we're in for a great year. On the other hand, we shouldn't wait too long so as not to spoil the interesting balance of sugar and acidity", explains the winemaker.

With the right weather conditions, healthy grapes and harvesting in time, 2022 promises to be an unprecedented year for champagne!

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